Category Archives: Mothers

My Friday Blues

By:  Davida Grant

Grant is now 10-months old and this week I started the process of weaning him off of breast milk.  While I will continue to pump a couple of times a day, the overwhelming majority of his liquid intake will now be formula.

This makes me a little sad.  This phase of my life is over.   The “shop” is closed.  Facing this reality has me feeling some kind of way.  I’m a middle-aged mommy and yes I’m FABULOUS!!!! At least that’s what I keep telling myself.  But if I’m being completely honest, knowing that my child-bearing years are behind me has been much harder to handle than I ever imagined.

Mommies, how did you handle this?

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Filed under Mothers

Family Life Rocks!!

By:  Davida Grant

It is bitter cold in the DMV.  Because our house can be a bit drafty, I let the kids sleep in the bed with me last night.  We were cuddled up together, snug as bugs in a rug.  As usual, when the alarm sounded, I jumped out of bed, pumped Grant’s breakfast (3 more months of breastfeeding to go!), got myself and the kids dressed, and was out the door.  As I headed to Grant’s daycare, I did my absolute FAVORITE morning activity.  I called my husband.

The hubby leaves for work around 5:00 a.m., so we never see him in the mornings.  I can’t tell you how much I look forward to our morning calls.  Not only do I absolutely love the sound of his voice, but I love the smile I see on baby girl’s face every time she hears him say, “Hey Monee, Mone.”  Most times, we chat about nothing major, just a little bit of this and a little bit of that.  Until this morning, I’m not sure I realized how important these morning “chats” are to our family.  They really set the tone for our day and are one of the many things that keep the hubby and me bonded and our family unit strong.  I am so blessed.

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Filed under Mothers, Parenting Trends

My Monday Funny

Friday Morning

Me:  Babe, can you make sure you get Grant’s animal pacifier when you pick him up from daycare?

Husband:  Okay.  Where is it?

Me:  It should be in one of his cubbies.

Husband:  Okay.

Friday Evening

Me:  Babe, where’s his pacifier?

Husband:  I looked in both of his cubbies and I couldn’t find it anywhere.

Me:  Did you ask one the ladies in the room where it was?

Husband:  You didn’t tell me to do that.

Me:  **blank stare**

I love that man!

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Filed under Mothers

My Baby is Ready for Solid Food. Am I?

By:  Davida Grant

Grant is 6-months old now and is expressing interest in food. You should see the way he stares at my mouth when I eat.  His jabber jaws start moving, and the saliva starts flowing.  It’s too cute.  I think, actually I know, my baby is ready for food.

Without fail, every Monday morning Grant’s care giver asks, “Have you started him on food yet?” I reply, “Uh, not yet.  It’s been a busy weekend.”  Or, I say, “I haven’t figured out my plan for the transition.”  Once I even said, “He’s still getting over his cold.  I’m going to wait until he gets better.”  I think you get the drift.  These are just excuses.  What’s the real issue here?   Hmmmm.

I know that there is no requirement that I begin introducing solid food into his diet. While some claim that milk is insufficient to address all of a baby’s nutritional needs after 6-months in age, that is not the case for every baby.  Many families choose to wait until their child is 9 months or even older before introducing solid food.  Grant’s pediatrician has given us the green light to start him on solid food, but she emphasized that we have the discretion to decide when to start the process.  So long as Grant continues to gain weight, which he is, and meets his age-appropriate milestones, which he is, she’s not concerned.

Grant is primarily on breast milk ( 15% formula), which of course is extremely beneficial to his health and development.  I’m going to try my best to continue pumping until he’s one-years old, as the hubby and I want his immunity to be as strong as possible.  But if I’m being truly honest, my decision to keep Grant solely on milk for now has nothing to do with the benefits of breast milk.  It has nothing to do with my busy schedule.  It has nothing to do with the fact that I don’t have a “plan” in place for transition.  At the end of the day, I’m just not ready for Grant to move to this next phase in his life.  I want him to stay just like he is.  I know this probably sounds crazy, but it’s really the truth.

I’m the big baby now.   I’ll grow up people, I will.  Sigh….

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Filed under Infants, Mothers

Play Dates: What are the Rules?

By:  Davida Grant

My daughter Simone is a rock star!  Her classmates love her and apparently talk about her all the time at home.  Go figure.  Now, I’ve been asked to have a play date.  Ut oh.

I’ll be honest.  Over the last couple of years, I’ve escaped the “play date” with moms I don’t know. We were fortunate to have a nanny until Simone was two and she took Simone to all the play dates. I’m probably making way too much of this, I mean really what’s the big deal.  Can I be honest?  It just seems a little weird to get together with people I don’t know AT ALL to let our kids play together, especially when they see and play with each other five days a week at school and during after care.  But, seeing at this is the trend, I guess I should get on board.

This is my idea of a play date.  I get together with family or a friend (possibly another mom with whom I’ve had a fair amount of contact) that has a child close in age to Simone.  We typically meet at one of our homes and not only let the kids get loose, but WE GET LOOSE.  Yep, a glass of wine or two is typically involved.  So it’s really a good time for all. This formula won’t work with “stranger” moms, because I’m not too keen on them coming to my house or going to theirs.  That means wine is out.  Bummer.  Even if we decide to meet elsewhere, can we really kick back while the kids are playing and have REAL TALK, if you get my drift. Uh noooooo.  We’ll end up having superficial, meaningless chatter.  What’s fun about that?  I work long hours during the week, and because I’m a “Professional” at work I can NEVER completely be Vida Marie.  On the weekends, I want to let my hair down.  Not happening at a “play date” with strangers.

Maybe I’m looking at this all wrong.  Maybe I’m not supposed to have fun.  Maybe a “play date” is just another task we mommies have to endure for the betterment of our munchkins.  So tell me mommies, what are the rules?  Do I need a mental overhaul? How lonnnnnnnnng should a play date last?  Help!


Filed under Mothers, Parenting Trends, Toddlers