Tag Archives: family bonding

Family Life Rocks!!

By:  Davida Grant

It is bitter cold in the DMV.  Because our house can be a bit drafty, I let the kids sleep in the bed with me last night.  We were cuddled up together, snug as bugs in a rug.  As usual, when the alarm sounded, I jumped out of bed, pumped Grant’s breakfast (3 more months of breastfeeding to go!), got myself and the kids dressed, and was out the door.  As I headed to Grant’s daycare, I did my absolute FAVORITE morning activity.  I called my husband.

The hubby leaves for work around 5:00 a.m., so we never see him in the mornings.  I can’t tell you how much I look forward to our morning calls.  Not only do I absolutely love the sound of his voice, but I love the smile I see on baby girl’s face every time she hears him say, “Hey Monee, Mone.”  Most times, we chat about nothing major, just a little bit of this and a little bit of that.  Until this morning, I’m not sure I realized how important these morning “chats” are to our family.  They really set the tone for our day and are one of the many things that keep the hubby and me bonded and our family unit strong.  I am so blessed.

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