Tag Archives: diversity

Leading by Example

By: Davida Grant

Teaching diversity is a big deal in my household.  I have Simone enrolled in a school with a diverse student and teacher population, I read her books that show diversity, and I take her to weekend activities that include children from all walks of life.  I also make it my business to interact with all types of people, demonstrating by example that people can get along and be friends, even if they look, think, speak or act differently.  I truly am a firm believer that all parents should take the time to explain to their kids that differences are a good thing, and should do so as early as possible.  Just think how beneficial this would be to efforts to move this country past the racism and prejudices that plague America.

Last week, I took Simone to the doctor for a check-up. While we waited, a little girl in a wheelchair with a physical deformity, and a toddler and infant with Down’s Syndrome joined us in the waiting area. As I greeted the children and interacted with them (eye contact, smiling, etc.), I watched Simone as she took in each child individually.  Eventually, she pointed at the little girl in the wheelchair and said, “Mommy, she’s my friend.” I smiled and shook my head, concurring with her declaration.  Simone approached the little girl and initiated a conversation.  Shortly thereafter, she pointed to the toddler and infant and said, “baby mommy.” She began smiling and waving at them.  Simone really adores babies.  Her excitement was contagious. Everyone in the waiting room was smiling and chuckling as they observed my daughter’s interaction with their children.

I couldn’t have been more proud. Simone embraced those children, even though they looked different, without missing a beat.  It was so natural.  The other parents absolutely loved the attention my daughter showed their children.  As I watched Simone, I couldn’t help but wonder if my actions had anything to do with her behavior.  I will never underestimate the lessons my children learn from my example.

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