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Capturing the “little” things


By:  Davida Grant

Most of us have pictures capturing our little one’s big moments. But what about the little moments?   Don’t they tug at our hearts even more?

A few days ago, I had professional photos taken of our 4-month-old son, Grant, and since Simone was with me, I decided to have a few photos taken of her too. I’m so glad I did.  Simone is such a crack up.  She makes tons of funny faces but is KNOWN for making what we fondly call “the Brown Frown.”  As a baby, she’d make it involuntarily, but when she was around 2-years-old, she started developing the ability to make the face at will.  She now makes it to elicit laughter from family, friends and even strangers.  This photo captures it perfectly.  I couldn’t be more pleased.  The more I looked at it, I started thinking about all the other “little things” that make Simone the amazing little girl she is.  So I cracked open the photo albums and took a trip down memory lane.  I wanted to remember all the little things.  Here are just a few that made me smile.


Simone used to love Love LOVE her itty bitty baby doll by American Girl.  She’d dress the doll, kiss her a million times a day, hug her, cradle her, and put her to bed at night by gently laying a blanket over her.  She also loved pushing the doll around in the stroller.  I’d forgotten how loving and caring Simone was at the tender age of two.  All the memories came rushing back.


Simone used to hate wearing socks and shoes.   Every time we’d get in the car, she’d take off her shoes and socks.  EVERY TIME!!!  She used to drive us crazy.  Those days are long gone.  NOW, I can look back and smile.


She’s already a fashionista!!!  Simone loves hats, clothes, shoes, and accessories.   Dresses are her absolute favorite. Once on, she transforms. She gives me look after look. Top Model has nothing on Simone Isabella!

I could go on and on. I am so thankful that my husband and I had the foresight to capture these moments.  They’re priceless.

What about you?  What are some of the little things that tug at your heart?


September 20, 2013 · 7:22 pm

She may not like what I like. Get over it!!!!


By:  Davida Grant

When I was a child, I didn’t take any extracurricular classes.  I don’t think my parents considered or even knew that such classes were an option.  As an adult, I’ve always harbored the belief that NOT taking an array of classes as a child  impacted my ability to discover my passions at a early age.   I vowed that my children would not suffer the same fate.  They’d take all kinds of classes —  dance, art, music, language and sports — to help them figure out their strengths, weaknesses, and passions early rather than later in life.

So, last Saturday Simone started her first dance class, ballet.  I was soooooo excited.  I bought her a pink leotard, pink tights and pink ballet shoes.  Baby girl would look the part.  When I woke her up that morning, I was giddy.  I said, “Guess what Simone.  Today you start your dance lessons.”  Then I started clapping my hands, doing a happy dance and shouting “Yay, Yay.”  Simone looked at me like I was crazy.  And I actually think I was.  But, my excitement was contagious, so she started jumping around too.  When I showed her the ballerina outfit, she was all smiles.  She couldn’t wait to wear it.  Once she was ready, off we went to start this new adventure.

Well, things didn’t go as I had planned.  I envisioned Simone twirling around the room and up and down the floor, you know doing all the steps the little ballerinas do on TV.  Baby girl was not having it.  While ALL and I mean ALL the other girls in the class pranced and sashayed around the room, Simone sat on the floor eagle-style and refused to do anything.  The instructor tried throughout the class to coax her into joining the fun, but Simone wouldn’t budge.  To my horror (yes I said horror), Simone stretched out on the floor, forcing the other girls to manuever around her.   This was not what I expected.  Where was the little girl that dances around the house every time she hears music?  That girl clearly was not in the building.

I was not prepared for this.  I didn’t consider that my dancing baby girl would not dance in class.  I didn’t consider that she might not like it.  After the class, I was quiet as a mouse.  Simone was her typical self.  For her, everything was business as usual.  It was on to the next.  For me, the past 45 minutes had changed everything.  Reality smacked me in the face.  It was the first time that I truly realized that Simone really is her own person. Yes I can and will introduce her to the things I think she’ll like, but at the end of the day, what matters is what she likes.  I can’t be mad if she doesn’t like what I like and frankly I shouldn’t be disappointed either.  Simone has her own journey and I, as her mother, must guide, support and encourage her along the way.  I can not and must not force her to choose the path I took or wish I’d taken.

Now, I’m not hanging up her dance shoes yet.  We’ll try another class or two to see if she warms up and participates, but if she doesn’t, that’s ok.  I will continue to expose her to an array of activities and I know we’ll find something she absolutely loves.

What about you?  Any lessons learned over the last week.  I’d love to hear from you.


September 17, 2013 · 12:07 pm